Quantum Computing and Cybersecurity: A New Era Begins with IEEE P1947

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, one frontier stands out as both promising and challenging: quantum computing. With the potential to revolutionize encryption and decryption methods, quantum computing brings unprecedented opportunities and risks to the realm of cybersecurity. Recently, a significant step forward has been taken with the establishment of IEEE P1947, a standards body dedicated to the development of a Quantum Cybersecurity Framework. Chaired by esteemed quantum computing expert, Dr. Keeper L. Sharkey, PhD, IEEE P1947 represents a collaborative effort to address the unique security challenges posed by quantum technologies. Dr. Sharkey authored the Packt book, Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious in 2022.


In this issue, we delve into the significance of IEEE P1947 and explore the implications of quantum computing on cybersecurity. From understanding the basics of quantum mechanics to envisioning the future of secure communication, join us on a journey through the quantum cybersecurity landscape.
Understanding Quantum Computing: Before diving into the intricacies of quantum cybersecurity, it’s essential to grasp the fundamentals of quantum computing. Unlike classical computers, which use binary bits (0s and 1s) for processing information, quantum computers leverage quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously due to the principles of superposition and entanglement. This enables quantum computers to perform complex calculations exponentially faster than their classical counterparts, posing both opportunities and challenges for cybersecurity.

The Need for Quantum Cybersecurity Frameworks

As quantum computing advances, traditional encryption methods become increasingly vulnerable to quantum attacks. Algorithms that currently secure sensitive data, such as RSA and ECC, could be compromised by quantum algorithms like Shor’s algorithm, threatening the confidentiality and integrity of digital communication. Recognizing this imminent threat, the establishment of IEEE P1947 signifies a proactive approach to developing quantum-safe cryptographic solutions and standards as well as securing a hybrid-computing platforms.

Exploring IEEE P1947

Led by Dr. Keeper L. Sharkey, IEEE P1947 aims to define a comprehensive Quantum Cybersecurity Framework that addresses the unique security requirements of quantum technologies. Through collaboration with industry experts, academia, and government agencies, IEEE P1947 seeks to establish guidelines for quantum-resistant encryption, quantum key distribution, and quantum-safe protocols to secure the next-generation of connectivity systems. By standardizing quantum cybersecurity practices, IEEE P1947 endeavors to mitigate the risks posed by quantum adversaries and ensure the security of future communication systems.

Implications for the Cybersecurity Landscape

The emergence of IEEE P1947 heralds a new era in cybersecurity, where quantum resilience becomes paramount. Organizations must adapt their security strategies to anticipate the impact of quantum computing on cryptographic protocols and infrastructure. From implementing post-quantum cryptography to investing in quantum-safe technologies, proactive measures are essential to safeguarding sensitive information in the quantum age.

Want to find out more?

Join the conversation on quantum cybersecurity by becoming a member of IEEE P1947 or following Dr. Keeper L. Sharkey on LinkedIn for further insights and updates. Stay informed about the latest advancements in quantum computing and cybersecurity to stay ahead of emerging threats.

About the Author

Dr. Keeper L. Sharkey, PhD, is a leading expert in quantum computing and cybersecurity, with extensive experience in both academia and industry. She was named top 40 under 40 in cybersecurity by Capital Tech University. As the Chair of IEEE P1947, Dr. Sharkey is dedicated to advancing the field of quantum cybersecurity and shaping the standards that will define its future. With a passion for innovation and collaboration, Dr. Sharkey strives to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the realm of quantum technologies. Connect with Dr. Sharkey on LinkedIn to stay informed about the latest developments in quantum computing and cybersecurity.

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